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Bruno Housset answers 5 questions about the missions of the Fondation du Souffle

Air quality Blog Health NatéoSanté

25 February 2022

NatéoSanté, the French reference in indoor air quality, has been involved since 2021 with the Fondation du Souffle, with which we share many interests. Our mission "acting for the health of all" takes on its full meaning and takes on a very concrete aspect: a commitment to support the fight against breath aggressors and to raise awareness about the obvious link between poor air quality and respiratory diseases.

 Bruno Housset, pulmonologist and president of the Fondation du Souffle Bruno Housset, pulmonologist and president of the Fondation du Souffle

It was therefore essential for our teams to visit the Foundation in order to learn more about its daily life. How does it carry out its missions to raise awareness and fight against the aggressors of the breath and the diseases that result from them? It was also an opportunity to spend some quality time with Professor Bruno Housset, pulmonologist and president of the Fondation du Souffle.

Can you remind us of the main missions of the Fondation du Souffle?

“We have three main missions. First, there is social aid, which consists of helping people who are in a precarious situation on a temporary basis and who suffer from respiratory diseases. Then, we have a mission of informing and raising awareness among the general public about respiratory diseases, their causes, how they can be prevented and how they can be treated. And then, last but not least, there is Research: financing Research and helping to improve knowledge and understanding of respiratory diseases and their treatments.”

How are the Foundation's actions funded?

The actions of the Fondation du Souffle are mainly funded by our donors: the general public and our sponsors.”

« We know that two thirds of indoor pollution come from outside, which means that one third is specific to the premises: pollution released by furniture, paints, textiles, etc. These pollutants attack the respiratory system. »

Bruno Housset, president of the Fondation du Souffle

Indoor air quality and health: definite consequences

According to you, what are the health issues related to indoor air quality?

"Indoor air is really important as we spend more than 80% of our time indoors. We know that two thirds of indoor pollution come from outside, which means that one third is specific to the premises: pollution released by furniture, paints, textiles, etc. These pollutants attack the respiratory system."

Indoor air pollution has negative consequences on healthIndoor air pollution has severe health consequences, especially for sensitive and vulnerable people

Regarding particles, the finest ones can pass the alveolar barrier, enter the bloodstream and have systemic effects. And this is one of the reasons why pollution kills. On the one hand through respiratory diseases and on the other hand through cardiovascular diseases. And we know that people who already suffer from chronic respiratory diseases: asthmatics, people with respiratory insufficiency, those with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), are particularly sensitive and vulnerable to pollution. It is therefore extremely important to pay attention to indoor pollution.”

"We realised that the virus could be transmitted by aerosols. This means that in the premises, it is important to take an interest in air renewal and ventilation inside the spaces”.

Bruno Housset, president of the Fondation du Souffle

Following the pandemic context, do you think that indoor air quality issues have shifted?

Yes, quite significantly, because initially, we thought droplets were the ones mainly projected when we spoke, for example, and in fact we realised that the virus could also be transmitted by aerosols. That is to say it can be carried, transported at a distance. This means that in the premises, it is important to take an interest in air renewal and ventilation inside the spaces.”

What does NatéoSanté’s commitment mean to you?

“We share common objectives: to allow our fellow citizens to breathe clean air with healthy lungs. It is important to recall that the Foundation remains independent and that NatéoSanté's commitment is extremely important to us.”

Watch the video of the interview

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