NatéoSanté white paper: Indoor air quality in offices

Indoor air quality (IAQ), which was still unknown to the general public a few months ago, has become a public health issue of growing concern to all of us. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the link between the air we breathe and its consequences for health is now both tangible and proven.

From the confined meeting room, the overcrowded open-plan office to the cramped and sometimes windowless office, indoor air quality also plays a major role on a daily basis in health, comfort and employee well-being. In the context of face-to-face work, employers must be able to offer their teams a safe environment and optimal working conditions in order to reassure and protect them.

So how can you improve the indoor air quality in your premises?

In this practical guide, NatéoSanté helps you understand the challenges of good indoor air quality within your company, in your premises: open plan offices, meeting rooms, etc.

The objectives: to improve the working conditions and quality of life at work (QWL) of your employees by protecting their health from indoor pollution, thanks to a series of tips and good practices.

NatéoSanté gives you the keys to improve the IAQ of your premises

Key elements of the white paper

General information on air quality

We will provide you with general air quality data, but also more specific data on offices and the tertiary sector. You will also learn about the main sources of pollution and their consequences, both on health and on the economic level (sick leave, absenteeism, etc.).

A focus on IAQ issues in offices

Whether it is the regulations and obligations to be followed in offices, the impacts on the life of the company and for the employees, on productivity, etc. We will also explain the benefits associated with good indoor air quality in premises.

Concrete actions and good practices

They can be easily implemented in your premises and will help you maintain good IAQ at all times and address your employees’ concerns. You will also learn why a professional air purifier is particularly suitable for business use.

Download the NatéoSanté white paper for free