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Thierry Ricci : “The data makes visible the Indoor Air Quality”

Air quality Blog NatéoSanté News

1 March 2023

Invisible by nature, IAQ is the object of a growing awareness, between post-Covid-19 heritage and environmental concerns. How to detect and show polluted indoor air? How to help to understand this data? How can we encourage people to take preventive action (airing, ventilating and purifying)? How to prove the result obtained? The measured data becomes a key element of the answer until providing possible CSR indicators.

NatéoSanté launches Air Coach, a new range of connected CO2 sensors and IAQ monitors with predictive intelligence... What is the role of data in the assessment of Indoor Air Quality?

Thierry Ricci, NatéoSanté president and founderThierry Ricci, NatéoSanté president and founder

Thierry Ricci: "Making available to a nursery, a class in a college or high school, a nursing home, their data of Indoor Air Quality, it is playing at two levels. On the one hand, for the managers of these establishments, it is having their own knowledge of the Indoor Air Quality of the place in real time and thus being able to trigger the necessary actions according to its evolution: airing, ventilating, even purifying.

On the other hand, for the parents of a young child in a day care center or for the relatives of an elderly person in a nursing home, open access to this information is part of the establishment's desire for transparency and reassurance in a logic of open data that guarantees action. Whether it is a matter of displaying a report at the entrance of the premises with its IAQ data that can be understood by everyone or making it available live on a smartphone".

What complementarity can be expected between these Air Coach monitors and the NatéoSanté professional air purifiers?

Thierry Ricci: “By knowing better the Indoor Air Quality, it is easier to act adequately until deploying an air purifier if the diptych airing and ventilating is not sufficient. For example, if the room in question does not have windows, if the outside air is itself degraded as during frequent episodes of pollution with PM2.5 and PM10 fine particles.

It is a virtuous series of continuous improvement for IAQ: analyze, process, collect data, control the result... Data thus contributes to making the invisible visible.

Crossing different data sources (Air Coach and its connected services, air purifiers, Atmo France network) will finally allow us to improve the accuracy of our services, to imagine new indicators to facilitate the daily understanding of indoor air quality."

The cross-referencing of different data allows a more detailed knowledge of IAQ

"Data is an essential lever to encourage consideration of Indoor Air Quality."

Thierry Ricci, NatéoSanté president and founder

Is this an important evolution for NatéoSanté?

Thierry Ricci: “It is major. Data is an essential lever to encourage the consideration of Indoor Air Quality. Until now, we have been providing performance figures for our devices, from the laboratory. From now on, any user will have access to them. If we take the example of an air purifier coupled with an Air Coach sensor, it will be able to make a zero state, to measure the status of its IAQ before/after... ".

Beyond Air Quality, are these new indicators also CSR markers?

Thierry Ricci: “It is a new CSR dimension that has emerged after the Covid-19 lockdowns. How can a company promote all the components of the Quality of Life at Work (QWL) to its employees, especially when there is a significant demand for teleworking and it is often necessary to convince them to return to the office? Today, we no longer talk about health risks but about the ability to monitor and improve IAQ in offices, open spaces... where an employee spends on average one third of his day, five days a week.

The Air Coach IAQ monitor from NatéoSanté is particularly suitable for companies concerned about the QWL of their teamsIndoor air quality is now essential for QWL

The interest of Air Coach is that it also integrates - beyond IAQ - the measurement of temperature and humidity. Thanks to the same monitor, a company can control the Indoor Air Quality and can manage its energy consumption linked to heating or air conditioning. We then switch to a global appreciation of the comfort of life in the company and of the environmental quality."

Explore the Air Coach range

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