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Why install professional air purifiers in offices?

Air quality Blog Job

23 February 2022

Since September 2020, the French government has been imposing health measures on companies in order to limit the risks of transmission of Covid-19 within tertiary spaces. Indoor air quality is an integral part of these directives, since it is recommended in particular to monitor CO2 levels. To go further and protect the health of their employees more effectively, some companies have chosen to equip their premises with professional air purifiers. These devices, which are effective against coronavirus but also against other sources of air pollution, also provide a better quality of life at work (QWL).

Such is the case of Stéphane Robion, Purchasing Manager of CETIH RENOV, a company based in Loire Atlantique. Interview.

A greater need for health protection in the Covid-19 period

In front of the doors of the two main buildings of the CETIH RENOV group, a bottle of hydroalcoholic gel invites employees and visitors to disinfect their hands before entering. Of course, wearing a mask is mandatory and an EOLIS Air Manager 1200S is installed in the main corridor, a major passageway.

In total, a dozen NatéoSanté professional air purifiers can be found in the company's premises: corridors, meeting rooms, break rooms, offices, open spaces... all rooms likely to contain a large number of employees have been secured.

We have open-plan offices with a lot of people working together. [...]

I chose the EOLIS Air Manager 1200S for large spaces such as open spaces, meeting rooms, large corridors and the Hygeolis for smaller offices, or our break room which is not very large.”  

The Hygeolis professional air purifier from NatéoSanté in a company break room Hygeolis removes odours and purifies the air in small spaces such as break rooms Stéphane Robion, Purchasing Manager at CETIH RenovStéphane Robion, Purchasing Manager at CETIH Renov (Bouguenais, France)

« The air purifiers provide us with a significant amount of reassurance for all staff within our premises, particularly in the current COVID-19 pandemic situation.»

Stéphane Robion, Purchasing Manager at CETIH Renov

The proof is: "During a board meeting, it turned out that one of our colleagues was in fact positive for Covid. No other people (who were actually close contact) were affected. The application of barrier measures and the EOLIS Air Manager air purifier, which is 99.6% effective against coronaviruses, effectively minimised the risk of transmission.”

Daily Quality of Life at Work (QWL) benefits provided by NatéoSanté air purifiers

However, if the health crisis has indeed motivated the Purchasing Manager to extend the stock of his devices, he himself had already been convinced by the NatéoSanté air purifier technology for years: "When the Covid-19 pandemic arrived, we decided to increase the number of EOLIS Air Managers on our various sites to make sure that we had as few risks of contamination as possible among our staff.”

They are effective to combat all sources of air pollution, viruses and bacteria, of course, but also dust, particles, VOCs and odours, which can quickly become unpleasant in very busy spaces: "Open spaces are synonymous with viruses, diseases and sometimes odours.”

The air purifiers are all the more appropriate as an Australian shepherd, the company's mascot, wanders from office to office, leaving his olfactory imprint and a few hairs in the process.

A dog is walking in the corridor of a company. An air purifier EOLIS Air Manager from NatéoSanté is used to purify the air.The EOLIS Air Manager air purifier catches all sources of air pollution, including pet hair

NatéoSanté: the choice of quality and made in France

To better protect his employees and offer them better well-being at work, Stéphane Robion turned to NatéoSanté, a choice he explains for various reasons: French manufacturing, proximity to the designer-manufacturer, product quality, etc.

"These are air purifiers with an excellent filtration quality that I have not found anywhere else. On the other hand, these devices are completely harmless, i.e. nothing is released into the air, which made a lot of sense to me.”

Stéphane Robion, Purchasing Manager at CETIH Renov

Real-time monitoring of both VOCs and PM2.5 fine particles, as well as the level of saturation of the filter unit, is another element that motivated CETIH RENOV's decision: "For filter replacement, we are not on a 365-day timer, for example, like many other devices, but with a real-time wear rate.”

Watch Stéphane Robion's testimony on video:


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