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Tourism and leisure professionals: what are the issues around indoor air quality as the high season approaches?

Air quality Blog Health Job

14 June 2021

Summer is coming, and with it the desire for a getaway and entertainment. This coincides with the reopening of restaurants, cafés, bars, but also cultural venues (cinemas, museums, art galleries, etc.) as well as the preparation of the summer holidays. After having experienced very difficult times, professionals in the tourism and leisure sectors are getting ready to relaunch their activity. The aim is to welcome visitors and customers in optimal sanitary conditions, in particular by offering them air purified of pollutants and viruses.

NatéoSanté helps you at best in this step thanks to its offer of professional air purifiers and associated services.

What is the economic and social context for the tourism and leisure industry a few weeks before the high season?

A sector heavily affected by the Covid-19 pandemic

The leisure and tourism sectors have been hard hit by the health crisis, which began more than a year ago. According to the World Tourism Organisation, the losses for the year 2020 are estimated at 1,300 billion dollars and 62 million jobs have been destroyed. In France, these losses represent 20 to 25 billion euros and 500 million fewer arrivals, i.e. a drop of 70% to 80% in the turnover of tourism companies.

Tourist and accommodation facilities were closed for many months

High stakes to boost activity

The tourism and leisure sectors have high expectations for the high season

After successive dark periods of closure and partial unemployment linked to the various regional and national confinements, the actors of these sectors finally see a glimmer of hope, with the various stages of deconfinement announced by the French government since 19 May.

The coming months and especially the high summer season (15 June - 15 September) are therefore eagerly awaited by tourist and accommodation businesses, restaurants and shops to boost their activity.

Arrivals expected mainly from France and Europe

Tourist activities and seasonal rentals (holiday homes, bed and breakfasts, campsites) should expect to receive mainly visitors and tourists from European countries, where travel restrictions are more flexible than inter-continental.

It is in this context that the EU digital Covid Certificate has been developed at European level. It should be introduced on 1 July, in order to facilitate travel between European countries.

This summer, tourists will arrive mainly from Europe

What solutions can be found to secure the reception of the public and improve indoor air quality in the long term?

Expert in indoor air quality for 12 years, NatéoSanté has a complete range of products and associated services to meet the challenges of welcoming the public in this exceptional health period.

A professional air purifier in line with the need for safety for tourists

The worldwide Covid-19 pandemic has raised awareness among the people about the quality of the indoor air they breathe, a real public health issue. The fear of contracting SARS-CoV-2 in indoor spaces (private or collective) remains high, despite the vaccination campaign that is accelerating. This is why it is important to be able to respond to their need for safety on their holiday destination.

Professional air purifier effective against Covid-19 coronavirusEOLIS Air Manager is 99.6% effective against coronaviruses

The professional air purifier EOLIS Air Manager, designed and developed by NatéoSanté and equipped with a HEPA 13 filter (certified EN 1822), has been tested against coronavirus by an independent French laboratory, a reference in microbiology. After only 10 minutes, the results show that it eliminates 99.6% of airborne coronaviruses.

Moreover, it is effective against 99.97% of indoor pollution sources (Volatile Organic Compounds, dust, pollen, fine particles, etc.). It will therefore allow all people who are sensitive to poor air quality (asthmatics, people allergic to pollen or grass, etc.) to enjoy their stay or meal to the full, without being bothered by unpleasant symptoms (eye irritation, headaches, runny nose).

This makes the EOLIS Air Manager air purifier an excellent piece of equipment to strengthen your sanitary system in the long term and to protect the health of visitors, tourists and your staff.

In addition, the EOLIS Air Manager is made in France and eco-designed. This means that the entire development process has been designed to ensure that the device is sustainable over time. Its components have been chosen for their very low environmental impact and they are repairable and recyclable. Its safety has also been verified by the ETV programme, supported by the European Commission and ADEME: EOLIS Air Manager does not release any pollutants into the ambient air.

This will reassure holidaymakers who are worried about the risk of contamination at their holiday destination. In addition, an air purifier rental service can be offered to your customers who wish to go further to protect themselves. The EOLIS Air Manager has a silent night mode, so they will benefit, throughout their stay and in all discretion, from a purified air in their room or rental.

The EOLIS Air Manager purifier fits discreetly into a room

The EOLIS Air Manager air purifier is also an asset that will allow you to differentiate yourself from competing offers (notably holiday homes, campsites or seasonal rentals). You will indeed offer a complete sanitary protocol, including the reduction of the risk of transmission of the virus by air. You can easily promote your establishment and reassure customers by communicating on your new air treatment system (posters, stickers, etc.). This will attract safety-conscious customers.

A professional air purifier for ultra-simple daily use, with complete peace of mind

The EOLIS Air Manager, thanks to its refined design, can be integrated into any environment or decoration (shop, accommodation, restaurant). Discreet, its low noise level does not disturb the public or the staff. Its installation is simple and does not require any work: a simple electrical socket is enough to activate the purifier. In addition, its automatic and intelligent mode allows it to operate continuously and independently. With a scheduler function, you can also program it to operate as you wish, for example, only during public opening hours.

Thanks to its transport trolley, you can easily move the purifier and integrate indoor air purification into your cleaning protocol. This way, you can clean the air in the room or rental property between two families or groups of holidaymakers, or at the beginning or end of the day in your shop or restaurant. This way, you can offer your customers not only clean rooms, but also clean air. EOLIS Air Manager can also be used at the same time as your cleaning teams are operating, without requiring any additional time.


A complementary monitoring system and Hygeolis air purifier, adapted to your business needs

If you wish to equip several spaces or establishments with EOLIS Air Manager, the multi-site monitoring system developed by NatéoSanté will assist you in the daily management of your fleet of air purifiers. This system, which is easy to set up and use, will allow you to monitor in real time the status of the indoor air quality and the operational state of each device (filter wear, pollution level, possible need for maintenance, etc.).

Hygeolis professional air purifier anti odours destroys odours nateosanteHygeolis acts directly and effectively against bad odours

To improve indoor air quality, in addition to EOLIS Air Manager, NatéoSanté also offers Hygeolis, a compact air purifier that meets the challenges of comfort. Hygeolis acts directly and effectively against bad odours, in a natural way, without perfume or chemical products.

Designed for small enclosed spaces (changing rooms, sanitary blocks, gyms, etc.), it destroys unpleasant odours in indoor air (stale, cooking, tobacco or drain odours, etc.). Plug & Play, its operation is autonomous, giving you peace of mind.

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