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NatéoSanté wins a MOCI 2022 trophy and receives the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs

Blog Events Honors NatéoSanté

14 December 2022

On 7 November 2022, NatéoSanté won the "Best exporting start-up" trophy at the MOCI, the international trade monitor. This award recognises the company's export strategy.

On the strength of this recognition, NatéoSanté received Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, on Monday 5 December.

NatéoSanté won the "Best exporting start-up" trophy at the MOCI, the international trade monitor

NatéoSanté won the "Best exporting start-up" trophy at the MOCI, the international trade monitor

NatéoSanté, an eye-catching French export company

Specialising in the design and manufacture of professional air purifiers, NatéoSanté has been renowned for several years for its ability to export its solutions. Our latest news are real recognitions of the quality and performance of our eco-designed products as well as of our ability to promote French quality at an international level.

On Monday 5th December 2022, NatéoSanté had the honour of receiving Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs. After our recent award as "Exporting Start-up of the Year" by the MOCI, this visit confirms the dynamism of our export activities.

NatéoSanté received Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade

NatéoSanté received Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade

This meeting was also an opportunity for NatéoSanté to share its projects and development strategies based on exports and innovation with the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade.

Thierry Ricci, NatéoSanté's founding president could share with the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade the development strategy of NatéoSanté based on exports and innovation.

Thierry Ricci, NatéoSanté's founding president could share with the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade the development strategy of NatéoSanté based on exports and innovation.

A human project with a global destiny

Exporting is an integral part of NatéoSanté’s genesis, a story based on the intersection of societal, environmental and health issues for all. This human adventure, initiated by Thierry Ricci in 2009, was quickly able to unite and meet its customers, due to the societal utility of its air purifiers and their break with the products available on the market at the time.

In a short period of time, NatéoSanté was able to find the right partners and break down the last technological barriers to create the first professional air purifier 100% made in France and eco-designed: EOLIS Air Manager. In 13 years, thanks to the quality, performance and design of its products, NatéoSanté has established itself as the French specialist in indoor air purification and is now a global reference.

Dawn of growth from the East

Since its creation, NatéoSanté has very quickly attracted international attention, particularly from certain companies based in China, a country that is more mature in terms of health and quality of life at work (QWL) issues related to air quality. This is why exporting has become a natural part of the company's development.

Initially the result, most often, of opportunities, we are now structuring our export approach with a defined strategy. The demand for our indoor air quality (IAQ) solutions is increasingly strong outside Europe (especially in Asia-Oceania and the Middle East). Today, NatéoSanté exports to over 50 countries and international activities represent on average 40% of the annual turnover.

NatéoSanté exports its professional air purifiers in over 50 countries

NatéoSanté exports its professional air purifiers in over 50 countries

This strong propensity to export was born from our ability to meet the challenges inherent in the internationalisation of our activities. Over the years, NatéoSanté has consolidated itself by integrating employees dedicated to international trade and by developing a network of distributors abroad.

Among the many assets that enable us to stand out in all markets, French manufacturing, eco-design, durability and repairability of our solutions remain the key differentiating variables.

“Our export approach is structured and is based on strategic discussions between peers, namely Stratexio, IOC, French Healthcare Association and many others. We rely on a detailed analysis of markets, the identification of target markets and the levers for setting up in these territories.”

Thierry Ricci, NatéoSanté president and founder

2023, the time of awakening

While the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of indoor air quality in the transmission of airborne bacteria and viruses, there is still a long way to go. In addition to combating airborne contaminants through our air purification solutions, we are committed to raising awareness of the public health issues associated with air.

Through our numerous actions (production of white papers, membership of the French Healthcare Association, awareness-raising initiatives for the general public alongside the Fondation du Souffle and the recent partnership signed with Clean Hospitals), we wish to share our expertise in indoor air quality. More than just a designer and manufacturer of professional air purifiers, we want to translate our original philosophy into action to raise public awareness of indoor air quality.

NatéoSanté and the Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade Olivier Becht in NatéoSanté's headquarters in December 2022During the Minsiter Delegate's visit, the subjects of indoor air quality, export and innovation were tackled

2023 will be, once again, a year full of innovations for NatéoSanté and these are in line with this logic of a finer understanding of the issues inherent in air quality as well as the accessibility of purification and good practices. From the beginning of the year, we plan to expand our range of air quality solutions and to launch products that completely break with the current market offer.

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